Shocking!!prosti*tutes decided to twerk at the funeral of their fellow member,see more photos

The villagers were however unsuccessful as the scantly dresses hoes invaded the grave site and went ahead to wildly twerk, st!p and expose their assets to the astonished onlookers who had attended the burial.
Apparently, this was their way of showing their last respect to the deceased.

During its two year run, the project will award approximately 100 major reporting grants and provide mentoring to support the best ideas for stories on development issues. Journalists who produce the best stories published or broadcasted in media that reach African audiences, will win a major international reporting trip. During its two year run, the project will award approximately 100 major reporting grants and provide mentoring to support the best ideas for stories on development issues. Journalists who produce the best stories published or broadcasted in media that reach African audiences, will win a major international reporting trip steve lee